January 2023

Days are getting longer and you know what that means…

Paddling season is just around the corner!

Welcome new board members and a huge THANK YOU to outgoing board members Kass Bergstrom, Becca Sanders, and Wayne Robson. A hard act to follow for sure!

President, Sherry Bohn

President Elect, Janet Whittick

Treasurer, Lura Lee

Secretary, Suz Burd

Sargent at Arms, Patrick Hannigan

Member at Large, Peny Wallace

Race Coaches, Bonnie Fromm lead, Dan Bubb and Sue Sutherland

2023 Starter Practice Schedule Coming Soon!


Full neoprene & safety vests REQUIRED for early season practices!


Are you interested in racing with HROCC next  season? We'd love to have you! The cost is $75 and includes 2-3 race practices a week in addition to the regular, club paddle sessions. This is a fun, all inclusive group and we welcome all those interested in racing. This year we hope to meet Wednesday mornings to work on intervals, technique, starts, strategies and team building. On Thursday evenings, we plan to hold downwind skills and practices, joining the Small Group Hatch Laps fun. And on top of that, we hope to make numerous weekend distance training runs for endurance. The club is committed to taking as many 6 man teams as possible to at least 5 of our area races. These include:

April 22 Rusty Iron

April 29 Race Around the Rock

June 24 Rooster Rock

July 8 Gorge Downwind Race

August 5 Kalama Distance Exhibition 

These races range in distance from 4 to13 miles and there will be published criteria later this winter on how we hope to seat the boats.

If you are motivated to go to an out of area race (Queen's Race, Catalina, PNW Challenge, Da Grind, etc.. ), we encourage you to pull a team together on your own, which includes a qualified steers and paddlers who have the skills to paddle the expected conditions. The coaches can then help make sure you are able to practice together at some practices, help with registrations and canoe transport or rentals. 

Because the season starts so early, it's important to keep up your conditioning through the winter, paddling if possible. Watch videos on the Puakea technique and prepare to hit the water early in April with full neoprene, full PFD's and booties!

We look forward to a safe and exciting year on the water, with our incredible HROCC Ohana and camaraderie!

Happy Paddling,

Coaches Bonnie, Dan and Sue

Gorge Downwind Champs 

Participants are looking for Ohana housing. Please text Andrew at (541) 490-1026 if you can support this effort. 

2022 HROCC First Ohana day TBA

Club Opening Logistics 

Do you have a friend that wants to join HROCC?   Email admin@hoodriveroutrigger.com

We have been working hard to make sure we have another awesome, positive

and safe paddling season!!

Hood River Outrigger Canoe Club is a 501(c)3 all volunteer non-profit organization 

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