Also Click on Video  under Resources tab for important Safety Videos.

Hood River Outrigger Canoe Club Safety Pledge 

The Hood River Canoe Club (HROCC) is special because of its world-class water, its gorgeous location, and the amazing people who participate as coaches, steers people and club members. Grateful for our unique combination of people and place, HROCC is committed to a culture of safety, inclusivity, and support, which helps all paddlers enjoy and safely participate in the sport and community of outrigger canoe.

Preparing to Paddle

  • I dress for immersion at all times. This means I wear a neoprene wetsuit and full PFD (i.e., no belt packs or inflatables) when the river temperature is below 50 degrees F.
  • I have learned and understand how to recover from a "huli" (when the boat flips) including the responsibility of each seat and crew member.
  • I have learned what safety gear is on the canoe and I check before I paddle.
  • I ask questions when I don't understand or feel comfortable, and I know there are people at HROCC happy to help me at any time.

On the Boat

  • I will alert the steers person of any physical limitations that may affect my paddling or Huli recovery before I enter the canoe, e.g. I'm injured , I'm unsure I can get back in and may need assistance, or I don't know how to swim.
  • I will follow all commands of the steers person promptly and quietly.
  • I know how to re-enter the canoe and am prepared to do so, whether on my own, or with partner assist, or with a Huli strap. If I can't swim 25 yards, I wear a full PFD.

Off the Boat

  • If I feel unsafe or unsure about something, I will raise my concern with a steers person, coach, or Board Member.
  • Ideas to improve water safety and skill building are always welcome and encouraged.

Because we are committed to safety and teamwork, we do amazing things in a beautiful environment, and remember

the Five P's: proper prior planning prevents problems !

Mahalo and Aloha

All Steers will review the Huli recovery before each paddling session

All Members are encouraged to participate in an actual Huli Practice Drill sometime during the season. These Practices will be announced.

A quick flip of the canoe to an upright position is the most practical method of righting a capsized canoe. The faster it is righted the less water will be in the boat……..that simple.

If a huli occurs.......

  • All crew swim to ama side of Canoe. Seat #4 ( and if necessary seat #3) or biggest strongest person in the boat) hand paddle(s) off to nearest other crew, climb up the i’ako close to the canoe hull from the ama side, straddle the boat with both feet on a i’ako stub (on none ama side), reach across hull and pull the ama up and over head by lifting the i’ako. Everyone else help lift ama (push up i’ako) and PUSH UP ON HULL from ama side when ama is almost straight up and as it flips back over. Seat #4 try and control i’ako from slamming down with ama as it comes over and onto water surface.
  • Seat #6 simultaneously makes sure all paddlers are ok, and assists or directs assistance to any paddlers that are not ok.
In Review:
    • Seat 1- Responsible for gathering paddles and personal gear that might be floating away.
    • Seat 2- Along with Seat 5 you are to swim to the ama and prepare to push the ama over. when directed by the Steers. A scissor kick might help.
    • Seat 3- Along with Seat 4 climb over the canoe, when directed by the Steers, lift the 'iakos to flip the canoe upright.
    • Seat 4- Same as Seat 3.
    • Seat 5- Same as Seat 2.
    • Seat 6- Start a head count off, then issue instructions to the crew. Be aware of any dangers and make appropriate decisions
Once canoe is right-side up.....
  • the Steers will assign the strongest 2 paddlers to get into the canoe and start bailing.
  • All other paddlers should hold the canoe. 
  • Seat 1 - can return all paddles to canoe.
  • All paddlers get in and start paddling while 2 people bail as necessary.


When canoe flips try to roll out of boat cleanly and, if necessary, swim under or around canoe to ama side. Hold ama down from ama side 

The success or failure of righting a canoe is primarily determined by how quickly you can right a flipped boat. The faster the better as it will come back over with less water if you can do it quickly. If the first attempt ends up with the boat having too much water (above the seats) flip it back and try again. A goal would be to practice enough that you can right a canoe in 15 seconds, with the canoe substantially bailed (perhaps 2 paddlers finishing the bailing while others are paddling) and all paddlers back in and paddling within 30 seconds.

We hold an annual pool Huli drill which gives you the time to practice but it is always good to check out videos as well. SAs Nichol's basin gets warmer, we will also plan for huli drills. Watch for this in Tips & Technique sessions. There are quite a few videos on YouTube that highlight different methods of huli recovery.

Remember to Click on Video  under Resources tab for important Safety Videos.

Hood River Outrigger Canoe Club is a 501(c)3 all volunteer non-profit organization 

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